It's Sunday afternoon and Don is sitting outside reading the paper while the girls jump on the trampoline...or jumpoline as Maria calls it. I'm finishing up some Taco Soup to take to community group and I have a tough choice to make. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine or stay inside where it's just me, no one else, all by myself. Tough decision, huh?
Well, we have an hour until community group so maybe I'll split the difference and spend a half an hour inside and half an hour outside. Or maybe I'll clean. So much to do and so little time.
I've decided. My girls will only be jumpin' on the trampoline for a few short years before they're out and about like the boys. I'd better be gettin' outside!
Simply stated: Peace and quiet will come way too soon.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
4 days ago
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