Thursday, March 6, 2008

Maria's "1st" Birthday!

Maria and Caroline modeling Maria's new Curious George raincoat and umbrella.
Caroline, Maria's friend Elizabeth, and Maria at her birthday (church) dinner.
Maria with all of her Calico Critters.
Maria's 6th birthday was yesterday but since this was her first birthday with us I've posted the traditional 1st birthday cake photo. We had her birthday dinner at church where we always eat on Wednesday night (hence Maria is wearing her Awana vest) and treated all who attended to a slice of Maria's cake. The sweetest moment was when we stood her on a chair and asked our church family to join with us in signing happy birthday to her. I don't know what was going through her head but she got a little teary-eyed and seemed a bit overwhelmed. I hope what she was thinking was "Wow, this is all for me. I sure feel loved." She had so many people come up to her and wish her a happy birthday and with each greeting she would give a truly heartfelt thank you. Some of her friends even brought gifts! The snow coming in tonight could be threatening her Tea Party on Saturday but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Either way, I think she had a great birthday.
To think, last year at this time she was having an uneventful day in Guatemala. I asked her if she'd ever had a birthday party and she said "no." So many firsts for a little person to soak in.
I actually thought that her birthday would "feel" more significant than it did. But now that I reflect back on the day, it just seemed really natural. She's just one of the gang!
Simply stated: What a difference a year makes!