I realized after I made that post that not everyone (all 3 of you) who reads my blog may understand the whole rubber tire thing. Allow me to explain.
To put it mildy, I have a very keen sense of smell. This can be good and it can be bad.
It's good since I can diagnose a problem with my car long before it breaks down just because it smells different. Oh, and there was the time the freezer in the garage died with a turkey carcass in it. I could smell something was a bit off in the aromatic balance of my house for days until Don finally went in search of the offending odor just to shut me up. I won't go into the details of what he found but I will tell you that the freezer quickly made its way to the top of the driveway for trash pick up.
My over-sensitive nose can also be a curse because, well, let's face it...life stinks...and then I gag. For instance, when Maria first came home from Guatemala I had to collect a stool sample. It was quite an involved process which I had to explain to Maria...in Spanish. She was much more excited about the plan than I was. First I put plastic wrap on the toilet. (There are so many things wrong with that sentence.) Then Maria proceeded to make her, hmmm, let's call it a deposit. I then had to scoop it with a small plastic spatula into even smaller test tubes. This is when the gagging began quickly followed by vomiting (mine, not Maria's). This traumatized poor Maria so badly that for the next couple of weeks she would ask me not to throw up each time she had to poop. It really is a wonder she's adjusted so well.
Back to the rubber theme. For some reason pregnancy only heightened my already freakish sensitivity to smell. Some women have food cravings when they're pregnant but not me. I had smell cravings and I couldn't get enough of the smell of rubber. Like most obessesions it started out harmless enough. A quick sniff of a rubber ball or back of a mouse pad soon progressed into lingering strolls down the sneaker aisle at the local Payless and clandestine detours through the tire departments at Walmart or Sam's Club. I asked my OB what he thought. He was clueless and retired shortly thereafter. Maybe he'd finally heard it all. I thought labor and delivery would cure my rubber cravings. Not so much. Here I am 12 years post-partum and the obsession as well as the stretch marks remain.
Some of my family just roll their eyes at my quirkiness while others are my enablers allowing me a quick sniff of their tennis shoes before they wear them for the first time. Last year for Mother's Day, Zack bought me a little rubber tricycle tire! So imagine my glee when the dealership put 4 new tires on my car. It's like having the Sam's tire center right in my own driveway!
I could go on about my fedish but I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one post. And don't look at me like that. I know y'all have your own issues and idiosyncrasies. I'm just woman enough to share mine!
Simply stated: I think I've said too much already.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
4 days ago
i walk down the tire isle and love the rubber smell i want to chew on the rubber i also love rubber bands i think i am strange and need a fix.
Hi. I thought it was just me. I remember the urge to smell rubber tires while pregnant. The thing is, my youngest is 16 and I can't stop. I'm trying to find out the hazards of rubber tire sniffing. I know it can't be good for you, but I just can't stop. Is there a group I could join? :)
This is amazing. I have the same craving for rubber smells -- tires, tennis shoes, rubber bands. But I've been that way since I was a little girl. I am in HEAVEN in a tire store! I have never heard of anybody else with this -- "fetish", shall we call it? :-) And I've always wondered if it had a medical or psychological root. Anyway, I was thinking about it today and I just googled "rubber tire taste" today and found your site on a whim. Fascinating.
This really is fascinating. I also thought I was the only one with this strange craving. Like the last person I Googled “craving for rubber” which brought me to this page. I’ve also been like this since I was very young. My favourite thing in the whole wide world has to be my rubber hot water bottle. I have it in bed with me every night just to cuddle and smell the warm rubber.
Thank God i am not the only one! I have always loved the smell of rubber and started chewing it during my first pregnancy. I have come on since then and now find myself eating it. Does anyone know if this is harmful as i can't stop
I am 25 weeks pregnant now and about a month ago, I walked down the shoe isle of the department store, only to find myself sniffing the rubber soled shoes.I founf myself in rubber smelling heaven..Yes ladies I too have a rubber fetish. I can't get enough. I went to a hardware store to buy about 10 metres of rubber hosing and I sniff if all the time...I fantasize about going into a tyre store -maybe i should. I think we should create a club called the "rubber dub dub club" -all the best to you sniffers and feel no shame!
Quote: “…..now find myself eating it”
Eating rubber sounds a bit extreme to me. I’m no dietician, but I can’t believe it’s good for you. I would stick to smelling it if I were you.
I do like the sound of the “rubber dub dub club” though. You start it and I’ll join. It’s reassuring talking to others who feel as I do about rubber. Makes me feel a little less weird!.
OMG This is unbelievable , I think for a second I am happy to find people with the same "craving" .
Oh I just love the smell of tires . My husband rides a bike to work everyday so he changes tires regularly , imagine me with the tire around my neck smelling it . It's very addictive , just thinking about it makes me wanna smell some . I have no idea what is wrong with me or I should say us , but the smell is amazing . I am glad to find a page like that to make me feel a little better , that I am not the only one . I also like the smell of gasoline , and permanent markers . OMG am I a junkie ? I wonder what will be next , pills smokes lines . Never done any of those . I only smoked cigarettes for good 19 years. Now I am smoke free 4 months and very proud of myself . Just to clarify , I did not get my urge for tire smell when I was pregnant , it was later after that . Gasoline all my life , just a little smell of it. If any of you found any information about what is wrong with us , please share . I'll do the same .
I am a rubber smeller too! I LOVE the tire aisle. I buy tennis balls just to smell them. I also have a mouse pad rolled up at work just for sniffing purposes. I love it when we get new tires. I've always loved the smell. It had nothing to do with pregnancy but I've noticed the older I get, the more I "crave" it.
This is amazing. I also thought I was the only one with a craving for the smell of rubber. In my case It has nothing to do with pregnancy, I'm male!!! My absolute favourite has to be the smell of a warm rubber hot water bottle.
Bicycle tubbing found at Wal-Mart for about $3 is the best rubber smell ever! I love it. You can cut it up into smaller pieces to chew on (after a quick wash) if you crave it. We seriously need to find out if we are missing an essential nutrient. You know this has to mean something other than we simply like it. The cravings are too strong.
Yep. Was googling why I have this recent heightened urge to chew rubber. I too loved the smell of the hot water bottle my mom had, and would chew on the rubber bathtub plug when I was little. I am wondering if it is a mineral deficiency?? Weird! But so fun to find out so many of you have the same fetish!!
Oh!! I just found something online that says that there is a name for our craving, and it is called "pica." The site I wnt to says it signals anemia--an iron deficiency!!
sometimes I casually stroll down the bike aisle at Sports Authority and lean down to grab a whiff. I also crave the smell of gasoline and I try to get it on my hands when I pump gas. Tar is also good and I LOVE to go to the shoe man! I'm so glad i'm not the only one. I always liked these smells but now I find my mouth watering at the thought of them.
I love the rubber smell too and have for like 20 years. I chew rubberbands all day long and even carry them around in my purse. My husband and children think I'm nuts because of this. I don't know for sure if this is the cause, but it seems likely- I am severely Anemic and I have a significant vitamin deficiency. I have to get I.V. iron and B-12 shots once per week. I recently read about Pica and kind of connected thed dots. I never discussed it with my Dr., as it was strange and embarassing, but I suspect this is the cause. So, just a heads-up, maybe get a hematocrit test done to be on the safe side. Maybe you can catch it before you end up like me. Godd luck! :)
After my pregnancy I began noticing this need to smell rubber. I really want to chew that smell. Sometimes I can't sleep at night becasue I am thinking about getting that smell. I feel like a damn junkie-crazy!! The craving has even expanded onto plastics and the musty smell of basements... I have been iron deficient in the past but I seem to be ok now. What the heck is wrong with all of us? Or is it just the smell that appeals to us? Maybe we do have a stronger sense of smell than others??
Hello fellow rubber junkies. I too, have the craving for the smell and sometimes the taste of rubber. I have always been this way. When I was a little kid, I used to smwll and chew on my rubber swimming cap with the floppy flowers on it. I am 51 years old and still love the smell of gasoline and tar also. I love to walk through my local R&S Strauss and inhale deeply as I visit the tire section. I don't think that we are wierd - and we certainlly are not hurting anyone. We just have an exotic sense of smell.
Oh my God! I don't believe all I have just read. How refreshing to know it's not only me. I've had this craving since I was a kid but I don't know why. Perhaps there is some psychological reason. I've always felt rather embarrassed about it but now feel a lot better. I don't believe there is anything physically wrong with any of us. We quite simply love the smell of rubber. Like one or two others above, my favourite is the smell of my hot water bottle.
It would be great if we could exchange our thoughts and experiences to try to cast some light on why we all feel this way. Click on the link to my blog page if interested.
Wow! I feel the same way--I can't believe there are so many of us who have experienced this! I googled craving for smell of rubber during pregnancy and found this post. I have always thought gasoline, permanent markers, and payless have smelled good, but it wasn't until about the 7th month of pregnancy that I got CRAVINGS for rubber. I will be sitting at home and start thinking about the smell of tires or new shoes and it's so overwhelming! I want to smell them so bad! My husband is joking about getting me a bike tire for my birthday haha Thanks for sharing your experiences!
Me too. I have a powerful urge to chew rubber bands; I finally forced myself to stop, as I suspect I've developed a sensitivity to Latex...and the overexposure to the rubber by chewing it may have caused it...
Amazing! I want to eat the tires in the tire section of Walmart, Costco, etc. I chew on rubber bands constantly - the stronger and more bitter the scent/taste is the better I like it. It began during my pregnancy three years ago when it was discovered I had an iron deficiency. I just did some Googling and learned that patients with the condition PICA who liked to chew rubber bands typically had an iron deficiency. I guess I need to have my iron checked. I also learned that women who have very, very heavy bleeding during their menstrual cycle (me) are prone to this form of PICA - lots of bleeding = low iron. Glad to know I am not alone in my rubber addiction!
I am so happy to know that I am "normal" in the sense that I too love the smell of new rubber tires and rubber bands. To be in a tire store is just a little piece of heave to me.
I am 39 weeks pregnant and fill up the hot water bottle just to smell the rubber! I am not anaemic or iron deficient though, just love the smell. When I was small my grandparents had a pub and they'd catch me lying on the floor sniffing the new dartboard mat made of black rubber. I love new books too. Smell can be just as pleasurable as taste. I find it comforting x
It's called Pica. I love the smell of new tenny shoes and sometimes old tenny shoes. I now buy new tenny shoes just to pull the rubber from around the entire shoe, cut it up into strips and chew on it till it's not chewable anymore. Tast just the way it smells but more intense. I've also done rubber bands but quit because I figured out I liked the powder on them and figured that was probably poison.
Finally! Someone like me! I began salivating whenever I saw a tire commercial when I was going through my first pregnancy. My poor sons couldn't even keep the rubber soles on ther Converse sneakers, because I sliced at it, washed it and chewed it until they had no soles left. My thing now is vacuum belts. IF it smells strongly rubbery, it is dessert to me.
Im so glad to find out that Im not the only person who love the smell of new tires and rubber. Im 39 weeks my doctor told me I had a iron defiecieny and when I did work I would go to the rugs area and smell rubber mats and carry it all around the store, I often catch myself goin to PayLess pretending to buy shoes just to smell the scent of rubber its like my own little piece of heaven lol and dont get me started on my frequent trips to Discount tires, the automotive section of Walmart I just love the scent of rubber its like a natural high for me.
Wow, well I'm also glad I'm not the only odd ball out there that relishes that new rubber smell, and will slow down when they walk past tires or new shoes lol, my husband is gracious enough to amuse me by giving me rubberized items to sniff till I've been satisfied.. ha ha! Thank you for being honest and giving a home for all of us rubber fanatics a chance to feel a bit normal in this uptight society of ours!
OMG...my family thinks Im weird but I too love to sniff shoes, tires, rubber bouncy balls etc. I have kidney failure and I am very anemic...glad to know this may be the reasoning behind my " rubber" addiction!
Wow!! Here's another rubbery person! I was sure I was the only person that did this. I'll go in Walmart and pay 16 to 20 bucks just to buy a bike tire, cut it up into small pieces and chew on them. It's really really bad I carry the pieces everywhere I go, work, shopping even while I watch tv or before dinner! I'll chew on these for hours. I'm terrified to find out what harm this is causing me.
Hi i arrived here through google search, i see this blog post was created 4 years ago. What was the search? 'i like to chew on rubber bands' lol. I've always loved the smell of rubber and i just love to chew it. It just feels so.... right. Never told anybody since i know the kind of jokes that would follow. Im surprised and glad at the same time that im not the only one. There has to be a scientific explanation for this.
I chew on pen/pencil erasers, rubber bands and shoe gear nubuck eraser bar( the older brand). Anything that smells like rubber. This sucks!!!!!!!!!!! I need iron pills
This post made my day! Thank you for sharing. I am almost as many years postpartum as you are, and I still am craving the smell of rubber. It started in pregnancy, and it is the one symptom that never went away. (That and the overwhelming desire to hold my "babies"). My son just put a new mouse pad by the computer. I am loving it! I just Googled to see if there was something I am missing in my diet, and came across your post. I know it has been some time, but thanks again. Take care! EKW
You have no clue what finding this site means to me, AND to my husband who was standing with the nut catcher net in hand! I am 48 and going through menopause and that itself has about took me over the crazy line! But then I begin to crave new tire smells! I don't go to the store to shop anymore, I go to sniff tires, any tires! I don't chew rubber but my mouth definitely waters at the smell of tires and new shoes! Do any of you crave ICE? For many months now, I can't get enough ice. I buy it in quantity and go through maybe 10-12 32 oz tumblers a day. Anyway, thank you all for sharing your private lives so to make others not feel so alone!
Oops, forgot to mention that I did find out I am anemic and have low iron, so perhaps that is the reason for the cravings...
I am pregnant and have these same cravings. Ive found that some new shoes have this brown insert.. kinda looks like an the material from an egg carton or maybe paper meche(or however you spell it) but it taste exactly as if you were tasting the smell of a new shoe, if that makes any sense. Also i like the smell of freeon in a/c... and some old musty cars. My boyfrirnd recently went mudding and the a/c in his truck smell kinda like mud.. i love it.
Out of the closet at last!! It's the beginning of 2013 and this thread started in...what, 2008? I've never been pregnant, but in the past I've several times had a serious iron deficiency. What a great project this would be for an MD. Or maybe an MD who is a psychiatrist! I've gotten picky over the years and my rubber of choice (for chewing but not swallowing) is Staples #84, 3.5inch rubber bands. It's much more elegant to say "bandes elastiques No 84"...must be sold in Canada also! The smell, the taste, the tire stores. I couldn't keep having my oil changed just to sit in the tire store!! LOL. We're all nuts and I'm glad for the company.
Ok, this is so weird! I thought I was the only one! I feel like I almost feel calmer when I smell new tires or new rubber shoes! Can't get enough. I go to the shoe store and start sniffing. My kids think I'm crazy. My boyfriend was trying to buy work boots and he asked me a question and the salesman caught me sniffing the bottom of muck boots! Embarrassing. I wanna find rubber scented candles. Scentsy should come up with that. Their weathered leather smells awesome!!
Oh wow! I can't believe what I'm reading here on this blog!
I seriously thought I was the only person who had such STRONG cravings for rubber. But, I've never been pregnant - I've always had that in me. On the same token, I've had some iron deficiency issues too. Kinda makes sense now.
I literally get so excited when I find a Payless shoe store. I run in (not even interested in shoes) just for the intoxicating smell of the store! I'd live in there
if I could. I feel like biting into the cheap soles of the shoes.
Tire aisle in Walmart is a hot button also. Love cheap plastics also.
What can I say that hasn't already been said. I too thought I was the only person in the world with the rubber fetish. Mine is so bad that I chew rubber bands the way smokers smoke cigarettes. I need a chew at least once a day. I am trying to break the habit because I believe it is unhealthy. I fear that I could develop some lung abnormality. I too love the smell of tires. Mouth waters at the smell. I don't make special trips to the store however. Chewing calms my nerves. I have iron deficiency and hypertension. There has to be a connection.
If there was a candle that smelt of rubber, I'd buy them all. I love walking in Discount Tire!
I am 32 weeks pregnant and absolutely obsessed with the smell of rubber, I obsess over it 24 hours a day and have had the few chunks - naughty I know. So nice to know im not alone.
I love the smell of new shoes, tires, rubber door mats and rubber bands etc.... everyone thinks I'm nuts but I love it. I cut up the black rubber mat's so I can have small pieces to smell. I love going to Sam's just to walk by the tires it get's a little embarrassing when the sales person ask can they help you.
lol happy to know I'm not alone
My wife is hooked to the smell of new tires/rubber. I catch her late at night sneaking to the garage to sniff our son's bike tire. She fantasizes at work about eating her mousepad.
Doing some reading about it I learned most women love this smell which naturally led me to a search for a cologne that uses it; there are MANY.
The most famed is Bvlgari Black (bottle is even designed with a black rubber "tire" around it, lol). It rocketed to recognition when Angelina Jolie stated it's her all-time favorite fragrance; thinking she's a rubber-lover as well? It's a unisex frag, highly recommend it.
This has to be a deficiency in something...just want to know what. I chew on Office Depot brand Size 64 rubber bands DAILY. Pregnancy increased the rubber cravings. I love the smell of rubber bands, new tires, new tennis balls, anything with NEW rubber. I almost want to swallow the rubber bands but I'm already afraid just chewing on them is releasing some kind of harmful chemical. Would LOVE to find out why I want to just consume rubber.
Thanks so much for the info...recently i've adopted this craving...thought maybe it was because of my teeth decaying...its not so much of me wanting to chew on rubberbands or rub them across my tongue its like i have to...the one thing i do find incrediably strange and most irritating is when i walk into a place of business and there are rubber mats on the floor my keen sense of smell immediately connects with my sense of taste and i start chewing because of the air smells like rubber...i thank GOD u all are in this site because now i know i dont have a strange illness that is secretly killing me...i am 50-yrs old this started about 7 mos ago...i really would like to find some help to stop...i am not ashamed nor worried what ppl would think i just dont like it...its nothing i was born with i just find it strange for myself PERSONALLY Therefore i really just dont like to do it at all...most times i can control it other times i just dont want to...this info ive found is priceless i feel very hopeful ALREADY....GOD BLESS U ALL THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE INFO....cej....
I just bought me a new pair of slippers today and voila! I cam across this blog. After days of longing for the smell of rubber slippers, I satisfied myself in buying one. At first too I thought there must be something wrong with me. I love it so much that I can actually taste it and my throat tightens. Although I am not yet sure if I am pregnant. Could I be pregnant then?
Oh I'm so happy to know there are other people like me, also. I'm not pregnant, but I crave the smell of rubber. New tires are the best! When we go to Walmart, I get my husband or kids to watch for people while I sniff the tires.....lol! They think I'm crazy but they humor me anyway. My husband bought me 2 tire tubes & put them in Mason jars for
me to preserve the new smell & I love it!!! He promises he's going to buy me a little tricycle tire for my birthday....lol! I also love rubber balls, rubber bands, rubber floor mats, etc. I have loved this smell since childhood. I don't eat or chew on rubber but there's just something satisfying about the smell. I too have been iron deficient in the past. It's such a relief to finally know I'm not alone.
Just add me to the long list of those who crave the smell of rubber.My memories go back to my earliest childhood when my mum would put a hot water bottle in my bed at night.I still find the smell of my hot water bottle so comforting. I think someone should start a "love the smell of rubber" site! Any volunteers?
I just got new tires on my Jeep and the cat is out of the bag lol my hubby now knows my secret! Hi my name is Allie and I love the smell of rubber and love to chew on rubber bands.
I was told that there is formadelhyde in rubber products. I have substituted my 'rubber smell' addiction with smelling peppermint oil, it is strong and relaxing.
I have been addicted to the smell of rubber since early childhood also. I have bought shoes from Pay less just to take home and enjoy the smell. I even like when I wear a brand new pair of shoes and my socks smell and taste like the new shoes! The thought of tasting my shoes and socks makes my mouth water. I love it. However, I wish I didn't have the addictions because I can spend hours and hours just smelling my shoes. I crave it everyday all day for at least 20 years now
Also I should add, that not long ago I was hospitalized for severe anemia and I had to get a blood transfusion. I also have been taking iron supplements for a while. Now my iron levels are back to normal but I still crave the rubber taste and smells. I also have restless leg syndrome which I've had for most of my life as well
I love the smell of rubber and tarmac and gasoline. New black rubber mats are my favourite. Love it when you buy new ones for the car. I can sit and sniff all day. Mouth watering. Hot water bottles are next. I used to chew elastic bands as a child and my hotty botty. I was anaemic as a child too so maybe some connection. Even as an adult its addictive. I have a black rubber mat in a sealed bag to sniff and loads of different hot water bottles. I also carry a small kong toy with me everywhere. My husband likes to sniff it too.
Lol... This is so cool! I've craved the rubber, tires, rubber bands smell since my second pregnancy 29 yes ago. Found myself chewing on a rubber band while watching TV and decided to google it. Who knew !
I have this too, rubber bands and sneakers or tennis shoes. I don't eat them because the taste is different than the smell. I buy these cheap spinner LED helicopter toys, they have a big brown slightly opaque rubber band. I buy them in bulk on amazon. This rubber band has the strongest smell that only gets stronger he longer it's stretched. They are the best! I'm never without at least 5 rubber bands around my wrist, at this point I don't care what people think!
I'm addicted to rubber and white out smells new tires at the stores and also I chew croc shoes down to nothing like I cut and make them like gum lol.. New tennis shoes and all I love...
Oh my goodness! I am so glad to see I am not alone in this feeling! It was not something that developed during pregnancy though, but a "craving" I have had since a small child. I can remember loving smelling my brand new sneakers! A tire aisle or new sneakers are heaven to me! I can't get enough. I bought new Muck boots this winter and they have a lot of rubber on them, man was I in bliss smelling those bad boys! Again, glad to know I am not the only one who craves the smell of new rubber!
I thought I was the only one!! I love the smell of shoes!! I buy shoes with good rubber soles and as weird as it sounds I like the "rub the soles together" to make the rubber peel off!! And the smell is amazing omg!!
Thank GOD there are more people around than just me who love to chew rubber bands. I can't find anywhere that it's bad for your health, so I guess I wont stop. I chew them until they are like powder in my mouth. Disgusting, I know but I'm too old to care anymore.
P.S. I just found out my iron levels are extremely low. Maybe this has something to do with it.
I have the exact same thing: keen sense of smell, and the overwhelming desire to chew on a nice set Michelin's when we go to Les Schwaub. By the comments, I can tell you are not alone!
The bicycle aisle at Walmart! Also new flip flops! My craving for this smell is recent/new and I also just got diagnosed as anemic. Seems as though there is a connection there yes?
I didn't realize that others were having these cravings. It is only recently that I had this craving for both smelling rubber and chewing it.I recently bought a Rubbermaid tub mat and getting into the shower the full rubber smell hit me. The next time I showered, I lifted the mat up and chewed on it. I was in heaven. After a few days, I cut a piece of the mat to chew on at will. I don't swallow it, I just savor the flavor. I'm not pregnant, I'm a 74 year old woman that salivate just thinking of rubber. However, I need to have water on the piece of rubber before I chew it. Thanks for helping me out.
Totally.Have has these cravings all my life. I used to lick my handballs when they were brand new. I just want to chew it ans get mpre satiafaction than smelling it.
If I think about it too much Ill start "jonzing" for it. It's not just rubber it's that smeel when I'm behind an 18 Wheeler and my cravings are so strong. I know Ill freak the f**** out if I don't get to smell it soon after thinking about it, which is very often. What the heck is wrong with us.
Totally.Have has these cravings all my life. I used to lick my handballs when they were brand new. I just want to chew it ans get mpre satiafaction than smelling it.
If I think about it too much Ill start "jonzing" for it. It's not just rubber it's that smeel when I'm behind an 18 Wheeler and my cravings are so strong. I know Ill freak the f**** out if I don't get to smell it soon after thinking about it, which is very often. What the heck is wrong with us.
Wow! All these years I thought I had to be the only person who craved the smell of new tires and, occasionally, the taste of rubber! Now I don't feel like such an oddball. I have a rubber mallet in my nightstand drawer--my fiancé thinks it's for protection when he's not home, but it's also for my smell/taste cravings. I also chewed rubber bands as a kid--it drove my family nuts. Thanks to everyone who has shared their story--now I don't feel embarrassed and alone! This is wonderful!
Forgot to mention this, but I have also been diagnosed as anemic and have been prescribed super-dose iron tablets and vitamin D. I saw that several others had similar issues....maybe there IS something to that theory.
I'm in awe right now, this blog started in 2008 and we are in 2016
I don't know what to say that hasn't been said already it feels like I'm reading my old diary listening to everyone share they're story I'm just so shocked that I'm not the only one and I'm definitely going to go get my iron levels checked cuz I'm curious to figure out if I'm deficient in any nutrients I thank everybody that took the time out to shoot a story I'm reading everyone's story my mouth is open wide cuz I am in complete shock I can't recall when I started loving the smell of rubber bands chewing on now I always put them on my Christmas list and my family always buys me rubber bands I will go into my local Sally's Beauty Supply and buy them by the hundreds I used to keep them in my pockets I keep them in the bathroom I have some by my nightstand I've never ingested any of them however just the smell of tires brand new tennis shoes and fresh rubber bands from the hair store I would chew them for hours so they break into little pieces and then I spit them out
I'm in awe right now, this blog started in 2008 and we are in 2016
I don't know what to say that hasn't been said already it feels like I'm reading my old diary listening to everyone share they're story I'm just so shocked that I'm not the only one and I'm definitely going to go get my iron levels checked cuz I'm curious to figure out if I'm deficient in any nutrients I thank everybody that took the time out to shoot a story I'm reading everyone's story my mouth is open wide cuz I am in complete shock I can't recall when I started loving the smell of rubber bands chewing on now I always put them on my Christmas list and my family always buys me rubber bands I will go into my local Sally's Beauty Supply and buy them by the hundreds I used to keep them in my pockets I keep them in the bathroom I have some by my nightstand I've never ingested any of them however just the smell of tires brand new tennis shoes and fresh rubber bands from the hair store I would chew them for hours so they break into little pieces and then I spit them out
Oh my goodness! This is unbelievable! I have a heighten sense of smell and my family thinks I'm crazy. I too love the smell of rubber tires or brand new neoprene made products (some have the smell). I think I've always had it though. I can trace it back to my childhood. In 4th grade my school built a new playground with rubber tire obstacles. I use to take whiffs of the tires during recess. I knew that I like the smell but I never 'obsessed' about it until recent. Six years ago I was in an accident that fractured my spine. I have PTSD and the smell of rubber tires or neoprene is the only thing that relaxes me. I don't eat or taste, I just smell.
Hey im addicted to new nike sneaker smell so i used to take the padding out of the brand new sneaker and chew the rubber...i dont know why its just like that..and i love the smell of tires
Anonymous said...
Hello fellow rubber sniffers! :-D
First post of 2017 on a blog that started in 2008! We are many indeed!
I have always love the smell of rubber since I was a baby probably! Staring with the classic rubber hot water bottles, I would be crazy for them. They are the only good things about winter. Over the last few years years they have introduced some silly plastic hot water bottles and I have had to hunt down the old school rubber ones. The ones without ridges seem to smell more rubbery. Like most other people who have posted I also love care tyres and petrol, but now more cars are being made to release less fumes, it hinders my addition! lol. I love certain types of inks on paper, books and magazines as well. Certain clay concrete mixes, when people are building and some tars too. If somebody could create a rubber bong (one of those middle eastern smoking thingies) we would all be heaven! :-D
I too did a search and came up with the Pica information, but I feel the rubber sniffing addiction needs more research. I can believe it has something to do with a mineral and iron deficiency as we are all mostly eating nutrient and mineral deficient foods, but some proper testing in this area would be helpful to understand it more.
Anyhoo, I love my rubber sniffing addiction and plan to live in a house made up of rubber! Or have at least one room in the house that has rubber floors and walls and rubber objects like car mats, tyres, etc also with under floor heating for extra fume release, so I can go and sit in it and get my rubber fix on a daily (more like hourly! lol) basis. ;0)
Happy rubber sniffing y'all! xoxox
OMG, im the same, i chew rubber bands. My addition started as a child. We lived near a car and tire place and i just loved walking past that place. i forgot about the smell and within the last couple of years, my addiction has kicked in. I need the smell of rubber, bands, tires, etc. i chew it, smell it and yes my family will let me smell new stuff before they wear it. LOL Just had to share
Omg I think I have this severely.. I drink that water from hot water bottles, smell them too and when the rubbery taste of the water bottle has run out I eat the hot water bottle completely.. I've eaten about 6 over the course of my life. I try to stop but I can't, I love the taste and texture.. I sometimes wonder what it's doing to my insides but I can't stop. It tastes so good.
Still struggling with this problem
Omg..everything you said..I'm exactly the same. Right now I'm sniffing my hot water bottle
This is awesome, thank you for advice on how to get my did cheaply, as I was seriously considering buying a couple of new tires to hang on the wall.
Wow!!! I have finally found likeminded souls!! I had this start in pregnancy too 22 years ago and it didn’t dissipate after giving birth. I love strong rubber smells and chewing it. Everyone thinks I’m weird. I really think it must be connected to some deficiency as with my first pregnancy 25years ago I never had it and I became ill from second pregnancy so could be? Great to see I’m not alone though ��
I see no one mention a sexual arousal associated with the smell of rubber... TMI
Now that's wierd but who are us rubber lover'sto judge? Lol! Just glad I'm not alone!
The relief I'm feeling right now to know that there are others like myself who loves the smell and taste of rubber! It also started during my pregnancy with my 2nd child four years ago.
Thank God for this blog. My family couldn't understand my love for the smell of rubber. Its awesome to know I'm not crazy.
omg im pleased im no the only one, i work in mental health an my consultants have put it down to a comfort thing but I've loved the smell of rubber since i was a kid but of late I've started walking around with the rubber thumblings that go over your fingers to stop paper cuts the smell is divine
OMG! I’m not alone!! Just read every comment since 2008!! What a great bunch of people. My rubber smelling addiction started young but was heightened during my pregnancies and it’s not gone away. I had a tyre in my garden which I would sniff before doing anything every morning. I’d cry if it had rained as the smell wouldn’t be so strong but it stayed outside to absorb the sun so it was lovely in the summer evenings. I had a recycled tyre notebook to carry in my bag and regular trips to Halfords!!! I roll my tongue if I can’t smell rubber but it’s not a perfect fix! I do wonder about the link to iron deficiency as I’m vegetarian and during pregnancy I had very high levels of iron. I’d love to know why we are rubber cravers. Thanks for making me feel normal everyone.
Hi Mason,
I’m responding to you because you are the most recent post and I think I’ll have the best chance of my reply actually reaching you. My fetish just started a few months back but it has intensified quickly! First it was the smell in the parking garage. I’d stand there and take deep breaths! Then I found a tire that was meant to be a dogs toy! Smells so great that o sleep with it on my face! I’ve bought five so far. Then I found these bungee cords in the Dollar Tree that smelled so strong I smelled them as I walked by. I’ve bought ten packs of those and I put some on the inside of the tire to make it smell stronger. The others I take the cover off, then cut the rubber into small pieces and chew on it. It tastes the way it smells.......delicious!!!!! Well I’m sharing this with you in hopes of you giving me some tips for more rubber items I can purchase. I’m addicted bad! I want it more than anything! Glad I found someone to share with. Hope to hear back!
Yes I believe that has started for me now too. I left that out of other replies because no one else said it! I’m with you!
HI,my name us Janna and I can’t. Believe it ! There are many. Of us serious rubber loving freaks .... I adore the stuff , my journey is about 6 months of rubber obsession. , it started when I was traveling down a motorway and the car infront, slammed on their breaks and ended up skidding a bit leaving a smell fresh hot tire.aroma wafting all around me ,,,, I. Instantly wanted to jump out my car and go ad sniff the car that skidded tires, I was obsessed all the way. Home.
I Couldn’t stop craving the aroma of warm rubber, and arriving home I got out of the car an started smelling my own car tires yum ! I figured I was fully weird but it’s only rubber and it’s very nice . I justified it to myself by thinking of other pleasant aromas like new leather that’s ok so I sort of forgot about my fetish until I drove past a store called Clarke Rubber , dedicated to only rubber !
the smell in that place is so rubbery my mouth waters. I found good quality pure rubber and brought strips and strips .... the guy at the store asked me what I’m doing with It?haddent planned for that question I said “um. ....... I’m an artist and I am doing a sculpture.. whoops I lied but telling him I was going to smell and finally chew it well .........? And yes I know chew the rubber untill it’s small granules then spit it out I don’t swallow. It I gotta have boundaries .... I’m going for a blood test I wonder if I have anemia ? I am willing to share my results to help get to the bottom of this pleasant bur kinda disturbing rubber obsession cheers my rubber loving friends xxx
I’m with you all !
Cheers janna
My dad used to bring home very large rubber mats from his work ...I loved lying on them to smell. I’m 75 now and just discovered the back side of a mouse pad with the same smell...oh joy! As a kid I loved going into the neighborhood shoe repair shop for the aroma of rubber heels and leather, the local car repair shop for the oil, gas and tire smells, and streetcars for the ion spark smell from the overhead connections. Good to know that you understand. Janet P.
Google “How Stuff Works” and enter memory and smells. Janet P.
P.S. Writing this down has been enjoyable!
hi,i too love nothing better than a hot water bottle to inhale or rubber bands etc,always have.But i have found something incredible that i have to share with all of you.Its called SHILAJIT AND ITS SOOOO GOOD FOR YOU AND TASTES LIKE RUBBER!i buy the shilajit resin,you put some in water, about the size of a pea.water must be pure or distilled,it cannno't have flouride in it.its sticky black resin from the earth,i've heard the Russian one is more effective than the Himalayan one but im not sure.Its the best thing in the world,its like drinking rubber and is full of iron,and trace elements and really lifts you up for the next couple of hours.Ihope some of you get the same enjoyment out of it as i do
I am glad I am not alone...I love the smell of rubber bands, gloves, tires, mee shoes. When I was little I use to chew paper(didn't swallow)...line paper, browm paper bags...haven't chewed on paper in years, but I need to smell rubber...what is wrong???
I am thrilled to find out I’m not a freak. I’m a smoker but my 14 yr old hates it so I don’t do it around her. My bf bought me a bicycle tire from Walmart and I was sniffing a little piece I cut up to carry in my purse. Well my 14yr old thought I was crazy. I told her it helps mommy not smoke. I can’t wait until bedtime to cuddle up with my tire and sniff away. It also calms my anxiety a bit. Haven’t been doing it long but I love the idea of a rubber scented candle. And I’m gonna get my iron levels tested. I’ve finally found people who don’t think I’m CRAZY! So glad I found this big. Gonna bookmark it and check it to see how many more people join! From 2008-2019, that’s pretty impressive. Happy sniffing guys!
I’m crazy for the smell and taste of rubber-rubber bands are my go to hit. I was definitely hooked on rubber when I was pregnant-each time x 4 and made up for more than the loss of wanting food and keeping it down. The very thought sends me on a hunt for nice. juicy fresh rubber bands but a hot water bottle, Ambrosia! And like a lot of you I adore the smell of tar and petrol (gasoline) - diesel just doesn’t have it. When telling one of my kids about this strange craving recently, left me desperate....want...need......gotta have.....
Ditto..love the smell and taste of tires
Does anyone know what the best product for the rubber tire smell is? And where do you purchase?
"Does anyone know what the best product for the rubber tire smell is? And where do you purchase?"
I'm wondering the same thing. I've been looking and can't find anything.
I believe this smell I am also addicted to might be connected with the chrome metal deficiency. No research have been done but my intuition says so.
And the antidote seems to be corean ginseng. Have some and see if you still need that smell so badly. I do love ot and am gonna try some ginseng...
Some herbs produce latex as a start for cambium production. Latex is the Universe expression over the herbal realm so I think that our craving of rubber smell needs to compensate the lack of astrality in our being. Rudolf Steiner speaks about natural latex.
I dont know.. but maibe this is somehow connected:
I love the smell of tires also
This is family love the smell of tires so much
I like smelling tires while wearing a watch
Omgggggg I'm sitting on my bed with my bag of rubber bands from work inhaling it like it's some type of drug. I do it daily it's almost like a type of release after inhaling the smell I can't explain it.
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